Monday, April 26, 2010

Sobering facts about Weight Loss Programs

Here is a sobering fact if you are trying to lose weight. Ninety-five percent of people who go on diets to lose weight, regain all that they\’ve lost. Another 23 percent gain more weight than when they started.
One of the reasons why is that these people are dieting. Yes, dieting is causing their inability to lose weight long term. In fact, just the word \”diet\” has become a dirty word among people who really know why and how people regain the weight they worked so hard to lose. Because losing weight doesn\’t require a diet, it requires a diet change that will continue for life.
There is no bigger confidence boost to the dieter than when someone notices all your hard work. But that boost often turns to bust when the weight comes back on. It doesn\’t have to be that way. You don\’t have to fail at losing weight, you simply have to learn the right way to lose weight for you.
You weren\’t born to be fat. You weren\’t born to fail at diets. But the diets you\’ve been choosing may have been failing you. There is a better way, one that will lead you to losing weight fast, bettering your overall health, and keeping that weight off—for life.

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One of the biggest problems with diet programs that fail is that they are too rigid and nearly impossible to keep up with. And so when the dieter fails to keep up with the program, and gains back the weight, who is to blame? The diet program, not the dieter.
It\’s vital that you choose the diet program that is right for you. Working on your abs won\’t help you if you are obese; you\’ll simply have great abs that no one can see hiding under a chubby tummy.
Here\’s something else you must consider when choosing a weight-loss program. Men and women gain weight differently and they lose weight differently, so it\’s important to choose a program that is designed for you.
Anyone who has ever tried to lose weight understands the emotional ups and downs of following a diet. If following a diet isn\’t any fun or if it requires you to eat foods you hate, you are not going to stick with it. Be careful about which weight loss program you choose. It can be difficult because we are constantly facing a barrage of weight loss programs, diet pill \”miracles,\” crazy exercise equipment.
The key is to understand yourself and to know that a weight loss program should give you more benefits that simply losing weight.
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