Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Weight loss using the MIND

Many individuals embarking on a diet do so with the short-term goal of losing weight. This is not a bad goal per-se, as being overweight in one of the major causes of hypertension, high blood pressure, certain types of cancer and an overall lackluster feeling. However, fad diets are not sustainable, and most individuals put the weight back on, The holy grail of weight loss for the conscientious individual is to lose those few extra pounds permanently without compromising your health. Forget the fad diet that only equates to short-term weight loss, long-term waist gain. The key to sustainable weight loss coupled with a healthy lifestyle is to clarify your long-term goals and build a sustainable exercise and eating program. Caught up in the hectic daily activities of work and home life, one can easily lose sight of long-term goals. Thankfully proven strategies exist to help busy individuals achieve well-balanced lives.

Setting long-term exercise and diet goals helps achieve permanent weight loss and a sustainable healthy lifestyle. I'm convinced that there is no "correct" way to diet or achieve long term weight loss. It's a case of "different strokes for different folks". So if you are comfortable with a low carb plan, that's fine. Or if you prefer a more balanced eating plan, that's fine too. As long as you eat healthy foods and get physically active, the extra weight is gonna disappear!

The benefits of practising mindful awareness

The benefits of practising M.A. exercises include reduced stress levels, increased self-awareness in regards to physical feelings, emotions and thoughts and increased emotional intelligence. Since experiences like stress have both a psychological and physiological component doing M.A. exercises also has the potential to improve the physical health of the practitioner by contributing to a lower blood pressure, healthier heart rate, improving breathing as well as reducing the amount of stress hormones released in brain.


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